Easter Sunday – Breakout Rooms and a New Guided Meditation


Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Share this traditional Easter greeting with us Sunday, April 12 as we celebrate the Resurrected Christ via Zoom at 10:30 am.

In this time of precautionary social-distancing, we’ve been encouraged to find real community online with our fellow Vineyard One members as well as new friends and visitors. We’ve spent much time interceding for those affected by the covid-19 crisis: people who have caught the virus, frontline and essential workers, and the vulnerable of society who have become even more so in this time of illness and economic uncertainty.

This past Wednesday, on our weekly prayer night, we tried something new: Zoom’s breakout rooms. We used them to get into small groups for more intimate times of prayer and fellowship. They were a hit, and we’re going to use them again this Sunday for prayer and ministry time.

On Easter Sunday, we look forward to joining together again as a diverse family empowered by the Holy Spirit and by the promise of new life in Jesus. We hope you will join us! Use this link: https://zoom.us/j/9983878948

We also want to make this Easter guided meditation available to you. We hope that letting the Holy Spirit guide your imagination while you listen to John 20:1-18 will bring you hope, peace, and renewed faith for the season.

Carrie Myers

Spiritual Director, Vineyard One NYC


*Meditation written by Janine Rohrer and Carrie Myers @ravishedbylight. Voiceover and music by David Buchs @sleepwithmusic.com