Lent Begins


This past Wednesday, we began the Lent season. Traditionally, it’s a time of fasting and prayer as we identify with Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and temptation in the wilderness as he prepared to embark on his ministry. It’s also a time of preparation for Easter, when we become increasingly aware of the price Jesus paid on our behalf. During Lent, we look forward to new life . . . but we also see that the way there is through the death that first must take place. Fasting is a way answering Jesus’s call to die to ourselves in order to receive his new life. What is Jesus inviting you to fast from this Lent? What new life is he inviting you to receive in exchange?

Lent is also a time of repentance – not just as individuals, but also as the corporate body of Christ. How have we failed to live up to Christ’s call to love God and to love one another? Where have we looked the other way when confronted with suffering and injustice? And how can we repent –  turn around and look towards God and towards those in need of our help?

As you enter into this season of fasting, repentance, prayer, and solidarity with Jesus, consider how you can use this time to draw nearer to Jesus and to the poor and the overlooked he came to serve.

Carrie Myers

Spiritual Director, Vineyard One NYC

No Church on Sunday, February 9

It feels incredibly strange to be writing this, but DO NOT COME TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY. There is no service.

If you do come, no one will be there to let you in. You will be standing on the sidewalk, feeling very sad and lonely.

(On the upside, you will be only blocks away from our lovely friends at Hi Noodle. We recommend the chicken kao soi, which is perfection in a bowl of noodles.)

Where will we be if not at church? We’ll be attending our annual retreat with our partner churches Silver Springs Vineyard and Hudson Vineyard. SoulTend founders and spiritual directors Bill and Lainie Elander will be leading our time away.


It’s going to be a great weekend of fun, fellowship, and spiritual formation! We can’t wait to see what the Holy Spirit will do.

One more time, in case you missed it: THERE IS NO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY, FEB. 9TH.

We will be back in our usual place, P.S. 132 in Williamsburg, on Sunday, February 16th. We hope to see you then!


– Carrie Myers

Spiritual Director, Vineyard One NYC

Welcome To Our New Website!

Welcome! We are Vineyard One NYC, a warm, welcoming, diverse church in New York City. We’re excited to be launching a new website that we think more fully reflects our identity as a church community and will keep our visitors and regular attenders current on all that we have to share and experience together.

If you’re new to Vineyard One NYC, please know that we strive to be a warm and welcoming place for our all visitors. If you are already a part of our community, we are always happy to connect with you! Please take some time to browse this website and familiarize yourself with our offerings. There are a few things still in process – like uploading our recent sermons. For now, you can find those on our Vineyard One NYC Facebook page. And if you see something that you would like added or corrected, please let us know!

For the Kingdom,

Ryan Myers
Senior Pastor, Vineyard One NYC