Welcome! We are Vineyard One NYC, a warm, welcoming, diverse church in New York City. We’re excited to be launching a new website that we think more fully reflects our identity as a church community and will keep our visitors and regular attenders current on all that we have to share and experience together.

If you’re new to Vineyard One NYC, please know that we strive to be a warm and welcoming place for our all visitors. If you are already a part of our community, we are always happy to connect with you! Please take some time to browse this website and familiarize yourself with our offerings. There are a few things still in process – like uploading our recent sermons. For now, you can find those on our Vineyard One NYC Facebook page. And if you see something that you would like added or corrected, please let us know!

For the Kingdom,

Ryan Myers
Senior Pastor, Vineyard One NYC