This is a strange Thanksgiving week as covid numbers skyrocket around the country and around the world. In our house, we are forgoing our usual gathering of twenty to thirty people and just celebrating with our family and the family that lives downstairs from us. There’s a sense of underlying sadness and uncertainty even as we look forward to a good meal (deep-fried turkey!) with people we love.

I hope however you are celebrating – ideally socially distanced, masked, and outdoors if not with your immediate “bubble!” – that you are able to enter into the spirit of gratitude for all the gifts of the year, tempered as they have been by the pandemic. In Sundays’ service, we opened up our Zoom call for people to share what they are thankful for this year.  Many people said covid has helped them become more dependent on God and more grateful for their loved ones. They were thankful for help received when they needed it – and help they were able to give when they had extra.

What are you thankful for this year? How has God been present to you in the midst of the pandemic? And what are your hopes for a new season?

My partners and I at Soul Space have put together two guided meditations that we hope will help you enter into the spirit of thanksgiving. The first meditation is on Psalm 100. It was written specifically for this Thanksgiving and invites you to reflect on God’s faithfulness even in the midst of struggle.  The second is a Daily Examen, a daily prayer practice that begins with gratitude and moves to building awareness of God’s presence in each moment of our lives. I hope that you will spend time with both meditations and that you will come away with increased peace and centeredness in God.

May you all have a blessed, safe Thanksgiving.

Grateful for all of you-


Spiritual Director

Vineyard One NYC


Featured image by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Psalm 100 image by Janine Rohher